Order tracking

Great News! The 2025 Cyberbikes are available for preorder!
Your 2025 Cyberbike shipment tracking may not be current because for large packages UPS is not always timely in their scan entries but we are working diligently get ensure everyone's bike is shipped ASAP!
Enter your tracking number here to see your order status.

Customer Support : 9:00 Am to 5:00 Pm ( Mon to Fri) 

Email: support@cyberbike.com 


Why Ride
An e-mountain bike


E-mountain bikes are similar to traditional mountain bikes, they're made to get out in nature, ride what you didn't think possible, cross creeks, take drops and shred through turns. Above all they are to help you ride further and faster. After a long day at work an e-mountain bike will let you hit the trails and get a solid ride in before the sun goes down.


E-mountain bikes are similar to traditional mountain bikes, they're made to get out in nature, ride what you didn't think possible, cross cheeks, take drops and shred through turns. Above all they are to help you ride further and faster. After a long day at work an e-mountain bike will let you hit the trails and get a solid ride in before the sun goes down


Our e-bikes are designed to meet the needs of a wide array of riders. Cyberbikes come equipped with a 500 watt pedal assist motor with 85nm of torque and an optional throttle simple plug and play throttle. The motor multiplies the power you put into it and makes you feel incredibly strong!

Pay at Your Own Pace

Cyberike has teamed up with Affirm to offer financing on all of our products, buy now and pay as your go!

riding an e-Mountain Bike is a great why to motivate you to hit the trails, ride more often and longer than before. Cycling has always been know as a wonderful low impact way to exercise, we Cyberbike makes it that much more fun

Step Up Your Speed

never worry about being dropped on a ride again, Cyberbike's e-Mountain Bikes will help you power up hills, fly through flats, and conquer descents with more confidence than ever